Medical Conditions and the Protocols

Previous history of thrombosis, cardiac condition, and severe hypertension are contraindications for the birth control pill portion of the protocols. Several women on the protocols who have been diagnosed with mild hypertension have responded well to Aldomet (methyldopa) enabling them to take the birth control pill. This medication has the added benefit of further increasing milk supply and is approved by the American Academy of Pediatrics for use in breastfeeding mothers.

Several women on the protocols with a history of depression have responded well to Zoloft (sertraline). Several studies indicate that this medication is compatible with breastfeeding.

Inability to tolerate the birth control pills is a concern for some mothers. Several women have tried estrogen patches, external lotions, and progesterone creams together with the domperidone.

Fenugreek has been reported to affect serum glucose levels. Therefore, diabetic mothers are advised to use this herb with caution.

Fenugreek can aggravate asthmatic symptoms. Mothers with a history of asthma are also advised to use this herb with caution.
