Additional Reading

This is a list of Additional Reading or “Ammunition” that can be printed out and shown to anyone who tries to divert the mother from her goal.

How Breastmilk Protects Newborns by Jack Newman MD 

Why is Breastfeeding Important? from

Risks of Artificial Feeding by Jack Newman MD

Cost Benefits of Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding Good for Babies, Mothers, and the Planet


“The Ultimate Breastfeeding Book of Answers” 
by Jack Newman, MD, FRCPC in the USA, Prima Publishing, 2000


“Dr. Jack Newman’s Guide to Breastfeeding” 
in Canada, HarperCollins Publishing, 2000

Dr. Newman is one of the foremost experts on lactation in Canada. He is a Toronto Pediatrician who established the first hospital based breastfeeding clinic in Canada at Toronto’s Hospital for Sick Children. He is a consultant with UNICEF’s Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative and is a popular speaker at breastfeeding conferences throughout the world. Dr. Newman has devoted a chapter to Adoptive Breastfeeding that is extremely helpful. The protocols are derived from information from Dr. Newman’s book.

“The Breastfeeding Answer Book” 
by Nancy Mohrbacher, IBCLC and Julie Stock, BA, IBCLC 
published by La Leche League International, 2000

This book is basically exactly what the title indicates. If you have a question, this book will answer it.

“Medications and Mother’s Milk, Ninth Edition, 2000” 
by Thomas Hale, R.Ph, Ph.D. 
published by Pharmasoft, 2000

Dr. Hale is an associate professor of Pediatrics and associate professor of Pharmacology in the division of Pharmacology at Texas Tech University School of Medicine in Amarillo, Texas. His book is widely respected as being one of the definitive guides to medications for breastfeeding mothers.

“Breastfeeding, A Guide for the Medical Profession” 
by Robert Lawrence, MD and Ruth Lawrence, MD 
published by Mosby, 1999

Both of these authors are MD’s working in New York, Dr. Ruth Lawrence is a professor of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry and Dr.Robert Lawrence is an associate professor of Pediatrics and Microbiology at New York University School of Medicine. They have written an excellent resource book for understanding the physiology of lactation and related issues.

“Breastfeeding and Human Lactation, Second Edition”
by Jan Riordan, EdD, RN, IBCLC, FAAN and Kathleen Auerbach, PhD, IBCLC
published by Jones and Bartlett, 1998

Dr. Riordan is associate professor, School of Nursing, Wichita State University, Wichita Kansas and Dr. Auerbach is adjunct professor, School of Nursing, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada. They have written an excellent resource book for understanding in great detail the physiology of lactation and related issues.

“A Practical Guide to Breastfeeding” 
by Jan Riordan, RN, MN 
published by Jones and Bartlett, 1991

The information on comparison of biological mother’s milk to induced milk can be found here along with the results of a rather large study that was done on induced lactation using methods other than the protocols.

“The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding” 
by La Leche League International Authors 
published by Penguin, 1997

La Leche League is recognized world wide as the largest breastfeeding support organization, has the largest library of research articles on breastfeeding, is recognized by governments world wide, and has consultant status to the World Health Organization. This particular book is constantly being revised to include the most updated information.

Additional Information

For more information on induced lactation visit the Ask Lenore Message Boards

Dr. Jack Newman’s articles are available on the following websites:
