Kangaroo Mother Care and the Bonding Hypothesis

PEDIATRICS Vol. 102 No. 2 August 1998, p. e17

Réjean Tessier*, Marta Cristo, Stella Velez, Marta Girón, SW; Zita Figueroa de Calume, Juan G. Ruiz-Paláez, Yves Charpak, and Nathalie Charpak

From the *School of Psychology, Laval University, Québec, Canada; ISS-World Lab, Kangaroo Mother Care Program, Clinica del Nino, Santa Fe de Bogotá, Colombia; - Clinical Epidemiology Unit, Faculty of Medicine, Javeriana University, Santa Fe de Bogotá, Colombia; and EVAL (Institut pour l'Évaluation dans le domaine Médical, Médico-social et de Santé Publique), Paris, France.


Mother’s Perception and Mother and Child’s Observed Sensitivity by Intervention Groups (KMC vs TC) and Child’s Need of NICU at Birth

 With NICUWithout NICU
(n = 47)
(n = 35)
(n = 199)
(n = 207)
Mean ± SD Mean ± SD Mean ± SD Mean ± SD
Mothers’ perception (a) (b) (c) (d)
  Sense of competence .24  ± 1.3 -.30  ± .87 .14  ± .98 -.10  ± .97 ac > bd**1
  Stress and worry .07  ± .91 .17  ± 1.3 .04  ± .94 -.08  ± .93 NS
  Support .20  ± 1.3 .25  ± .89 -.14  ± .99 .06  ± .91 ab > cdt2
Mothers’ sensitivity
  Sensitivity .77  ± .09 .75  ± .15 .73  ± .12 .71  ± .13 ab > cd**2
  Response to child’s distress .90  ± .12 .85  ± .15 .89  ± .15 .91  ± .15
  Socioemotional growth fostering .61  ± .14 .66  ± .16 .59  ± .16 .57  ± .15 ab > cd**2
            b > a*3
  Cognitive growth fostering .35  ± .19 .42  ± .24 .33  ± .20 .30  ± .18 ab > cd**2
            b > a*3
  Child’s clarity of cues .66  ± .12 .67  ± .15 .64  ± .14 .62  ± .16 ab > cd*2
  Child’s responsivity to mother .33  ± .12 .34  ± .15 .31  ± .13 .29  ± .14 ab > cd*2
(a), (b), (c), and (d) Represent group means.
P < .05;
** P < .01;
*** P < .001; t < .10. 1 Group effect; 2 NICU effect; 3 interaction effect.

Pediatrics (ISSN 0031 4005). © 1998 by the American Academy of Pediatrics