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#10420 02/05/08 08:27 PM
Joined: Feb 2008
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Hello I am brand new to this site I have just found out I am having my 3rd miscarriage, dont really know the reason yet first ultrasound yesterday showed no heartbeat i should be almost 9 weeks measures only 6 weeks having no bleeding or cramping or pain this time
This is my third my doc did some routine blood tests after my second showed nothing dont know what to think or feel anymore i'm numb
I have a lovely 4 year old daughter that we were blessed with but after this I feel awful and alone and lonely!
Sorry but needed to see the words written down.

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I am so very sorry.

Laurie~Craig's wife~Mom to 4 blessings nurtured at the breast CJ(24)Travis(21)Beka~adopted(9)Rab(6)
Lalle #10430 02/06/08 11:47 PM
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I am so sorry. I have experienced the heartbreak of miscarriage as well. I understand your grief and sorrow. It is good to see you realize the blessing you have in your four year old daughter. Hug her close. Life is truly precious, isn't it?

I never thought I would have children, but slowly and surely I now have two bio boys and a new baby girl through my age! So life has many twists and turns.

I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.


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Dear Caroline,

I'm so sorry for your loss and for not posting earlier. I've been away in Australia for a scientific conference.

As a mother who lost 8 pregnancies to recurrent miscarriage before my sons were born I undersstand how devastated you must feel.

Routine blood tests don't really tell us very much. One you have had 3 losses most recurrent miscarriage specialists would recommend a complete work-up to rule out an immune issue. But this should be handled by a specialist in the field. Recently I attended a post graduate course on this topic given by the American Society of Reproductive Medicine. One of the doctors who spoke was Dr. William Kutteh who is a reproductive endocrinologist specializing in recurrent miscarriage. You may want to arrange a visit with him or at least a telephone consult:

Best, Lenore

Lenore Goldfarb, Ph.D.,CCC,IBCLC
Wife to Rob, Mom to Adam aged 13, and Ethan aged 9, both born via GS and breastfed via Regular Newman-Goldfarb Protocol.
Lenore #10550 02/23/08 01:39 AM
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I am so sorry for your losses. I hope Lenore is able to help guide you to a good doctor who might be able to give you some answers.

Adoptive mommy to 4 , Last 2 adopted nursed. Youngest nursed till she was 5! Raising 2 grandbabies, as infants they were raised on donor breast milk smile
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Sorry for your loss. Recurrent miscarriage is very frustrating. Recurrent miscarriages can happen because of chromosomal abnormalities, hormone imbalance, lifestyle, PCOS, etc. Making the decision to go in for another pregnancy is difficult after a repeated miscarriage. But you need to be strong.

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