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Joined: Oct 2013
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Joined: Oct 2013
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I breast fed my beautiful baby boy until he was about 3 months old and I had an ample supply. And due to lack of knowledge, stressful life changes and lack of support, my milk dried up. I attempted relactation again when he was about 5 months old and mistakenly gave up. REALLY wanting to provide the best for him and have that bond again, I did partially successfully relactate when he was 7 months old, but it was only drops. I probably got half an ounce every day. This was before learning about domperidone, so I was taking fenugreek, blessed thistle, more milk plus, alfalfa, eating steel cut oats, quinoa, coconut oil, evaporated milk, drinking a beer a day & ate lactation cookies. I pumped often! About 15 min of pumping about every hour and a half-2 hours and power pumped. I didnt get enough sleep though since I worked night shift and cared for my son during the day. And although I WAS producing something, after a month or so, I just didn't feel like the effort I was putting in was being met with a satisfactory output. *Insert frown face of a heartbroken mommy*

My son is now 18 months old and it just really eats at me that I never fully relactated, especially since I wanted to provide breast milk for his first 2 years, or maybe a little more. I just can't help but to feel regret for "giving up", I feel guilty and that I know that I can do it, especially with domperidone & the accelerated protocol. At his age, would it be better to just pump and put the milk into his bottles? (He takes one at night before bed, and some days before his afternoon nap. If I had breast milk, I'd also give it to him in a Sippy cup during the day.) Or would it be ok to try to get him to latch? Or has it been too long? Exclusively pumping is totally fine with me since I know he'd be getting the breast milk, I would however miss that bond. But this is about him and his health benefits.

Also, I can not for the life of me find a doctor who will prescribe domperidone so I can get it filled at a compounding pharmacy. I live in Dallas, TX. I'm very nervous about ordering from an overseas pharmacy, but maybe I'm just worrying for no reason. In my mind, I'd rather pay more and get it here. But who knows, maybe I'm crazy. I spoke with a lactation consultant who suggested that I lie and tell a doctor that my son is 2 months old & has allergies to formula and that's why I need the drug. But even that hasn't worked. It's really sad. And it makes me very thankful that there are intelligent and wonderful people such as everyone on this site that help and support mothers who want to/are breastfeeding. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THAT!!

Any help or advice you could give me for this would be greatly appreciated smile

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You have to decide if it is worth it to you. You can attempt to get him to latch, but it might be challenging. Try when he is sleepy or in a bath together if you decide to do it.

I ordered my domperidone through and had no issues. I ordered the name brand motilium from Jansen-Cilag and it came from a known pharmacy in individually wrapped packaging. Others I know have ordered the generic.

Good luck to you,

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