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#23986 03/04/15 01:11 AM
Joined: Mar 2015
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Maddie Offline OP
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I just started pumping after been on Domperidone and progesterone for 5 months.

I am still taking Domperidone and have started with some herbal breastfeeding supplements. I love eating oats so am eating more porridge too.

Anyway I started pumping yesterday and had about a teaspoon of milk coming from the left breast and a little less from the right. Throughout the day the milk I produced got less. Then today I have been pumping and have had only a few drops each time I pump.

I am feeling a bit deflated as i would have expected the milk to build up and to see a steady increase of fluid.

I know it is early days but is it normal to have some milk then pretty much nothing?

If you could share your experience. Kind regards maddieJ

Maddie #23987 03/04/15 08:03 PM
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Hi Maddie,

It takes your body some time, days to a couple weeks to really start building up milk that is significant. Unlike when you give birth to a child and your milk "comes in", we have to build it up over time by telling our bodies we need it (through nipple stimulation). I know it can seem like a defeating process at times but hang in there. Try to manually express after each pumping session. In the beginning, I got more from manual expression than I did the pump, although the pump is still needed for the stimulation. I got my first sprays through manual expression. At the end of the day we need to "drain" our breasts and that is what tells our bodies we need more. Hang in there, I know how you feel smile

Maddie #23988 03/05/15 01:28 AM
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Maddie Offline OP
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Thanks for your feedback claudia...yes am feeling a bit flat but have booked in with a lactation consultant next week so hopefully she can tell me if i am doing things correctly with the pump, breast massage etc ...

Thanks for your words of encouragement. It means a lot to hear about your experiences.

If you don't mind me asking much milk did you produce in the end? Did you have to supplement with a lot with formula?

kind regards

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