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#7056 04/27/06 05:17 PM
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mde Offline OP
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I just had a 2nd miscarriage 4 1/2 weeks back. I have a 5 year old and had no problem wih him. My 1st one was at 8 1/2 weeks, no heart beat and the 2nd one blighted ovum.
After the 1st miscarriage my OBG/GYN did a Endometrial Biopsy. He put me on progestrone supplyment since my luetal phase is a bit short. That didn't help and had to do D&C again for the blighted ovum. This time GYN asked me to do about 9 blood tests for testing immune disorders. I haven't got the test results still. He said if the results came +ve he would refer me to an endocrinologist or he would assume it is just another chromozonal error. Do u think I need any more tests? If my blood test comes -ve (which I pray..), can I still see a endocrinologist and fertility specialist without his reference?
How about herbal medicines? Has anybody tried them? Or is anybody successful with Acupuncturist after treatment for recurrent miscarriage?

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I have a friend who tried for 13 years to get pregnant. Nothing happened. Then she did accupunture. She now has a baby boy.

Adoptive mommy to 4 , Last 2 adopted nursed. Youngest nursed till she was 5! Raising 2 grandbabies, as infants they were raised on donor breast milk smile
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Dear Mde,

I am so sorry for your losses. As a mother who lost 8 pregnancies to recurrent miscarriage, I understand how devastated you must feel.

First I want to reassure you that the "blighted ovum" is not technically a miscarriage. This is an unfertilized egg that could never become a fetus or baby. Your first miscarriage at 8 weeks bothers me more. You have a fabulous OB/gyn. Most doctors wait until a woman has had three miscarriages before they order testing. Your doctor is wonderful. He's taking no chances.

The progesterone was the right way to go for luteal phase issues. And the testing he has ordered is exactly what most experts would recommend. Wait for the results and then report them back here and we'll go from there.

Nona is right about the acupuncture. A lot of women are finding that it helps them with conception.

Don't worry honey. It sounds like you are in excellent hands.

My thoughts and prayers are with you dear.


Lenore Goldfarb, Ph.D.,CCC,IBCLC
Wife to Rob, Mom to Adam aged 13, and Ethan aged 9, both born via GS and breastfed via Regular Newman-Goldfarb Protocol.
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Thanks, for your replies. The Dr's office called me yesterday with results of the blood reports. All reports look normal. Not sure what to do now. Should I just continue to try again and see if things work this time or take some kind of herbal treatment to boost my health. I want to try my level best to avoid a 3rd miscarriage. Please, let me know if you have any suggestions.

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Hi mde,

Please discuss the use of low molecular weight heparin and baby aspirin together with the progesterone, with your doctor. Many women have found this helps when there is no clear answer.


Lenore Goldfarb, Ph.D.,CCC,IBCLC
Wife to Rob, Mom to Adam aged 13, and Ethan aged 9, both born via GS and breastfed via Regular Newman-Goldfarb Protocol.
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As another woman with 7 miscarriages, 2 being twins, I whole-heartedly agree with Lenore. The heparin and baby asprin protocol should be something that your healthcare provider will be aware of. Also, I was ALWAYS put on folic acid along with the other two. A healthy diet, light exercise like walking, plenty of rest and lots of water also should be at the top of your list. As far as an endocrinologist, follow your heart...if you are ready to go full throttle into this, go for the best. Any time there has been undiagnosed multiple miscarriages, seek a higher source of knowledge...not that your personal healthcare provider is not adequate, by no means, but, that is the specialty a fertility endocrinologist.

God Speed, <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />

Michele, RNC--Wife of Steve, mother of adopted son, Nick, who is 9 now and waiting to start all over with the next one!
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I am also sorry for your losses. I have had 11 losses, half were fertlized eggs and the others were blighed ovums. My doctor waited until I had miscarried three times before anything was done. I have been on pregestrone and baby asprin and still miscarried, we still have no children and I have given up on doctors because I still have had no answers as to why I miscarry, I have had alot of tests done and all normal.
I wish you all the best, and I also hope you find the answers you are looking for.

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Oh ladies how sad! frown I hope you eventually find answers to your miscarriages. This should not happen to anyone... I am so sorry.

Adoptive mommy to 4 , Last 2 adopted nursed. Youngest nursed till she was 5! Raising 2 grandbabies, as infants they were raised on donor breast milk smile
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Sorry for your losses. Many women suffer from secondary infertility. Secondary infertility is the inability to become pregnant after previously giving birth to a baby. There are treatments available for secondary infertility such as IUI and IVF.

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