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#8742 04/09/07 05:53 PM
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I finally broke down and took a pregnancy test on Sat. It was +. I am so down in the dumps. I have had 3 concurrent miscarriages. I just feel so hopeless and doomed. My husband and I are in the process of adopting from Vietnam. It will still be at least a year before we will be receiving our child. I am very happy about adopting, we both are excited to know that we will eventually have a child through adoption. Right now I don't want to think about any of it. I am just waiting for the cramping and bleeding to start. I am 5 1/2 weeks , all my miscarriages happened before 8 weeks. The next few weeks are going to be hell. My husband says I am too cynical and negative about being pregnant, but I can't help it. I can not get my hopes up.


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It is SO unfair that we have to deal with feelings like these when we should be enjoying our pregnancies. I wish I could say something to change the way you feel but since I know I can't, I'll just let you know that I'll be thinking of you and hoping that everything turns out fine!
Take care of yourself = )

5 Angels: 9/95, 1/06, 5/06, 1/07, 3/07
BellyBean due 4/29/08 - finally got a sticky one!!
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Today is another day. I work the pm shift today. I dread being away from home, waiting for it to start. For brief moments I wonder if things might turn out fine. Then I tell myself not to be such a fool. I have to just take one moment at a time. One day at a time seems to overwhelming. Thank you Krista for your thoughts I will keep you in my prayers.

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have you had testing done to find out why you keep miscarrying? I am so sorry for what you go through. It is not fair at all.

Adoptive mommy to 4 , Last 2 adopted nursed. Youngest nursed till she was 5! Raising 2 grandbabies, as infants they were raised on donor breast milk smile
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We have had genetic testing on us. Supposedly we have no problems. I have been blessed with 3 healthy sons 17, 16, 10 from a previous marriage. I never miscarried with my previous spouse. I had a hard time getting pregnant though. Now I have been 4 times in the last 3 years and miscarried 3 times. My doctor and I decided to forgo the other tests since I have had 3 healthy children with no complications. My husband and I decided to adopt, so we don't really want to pursue extensive tests and procedures. This pregnancy was a bit of a surprise.

I am 6 weeks today. I sometimes feel like a ticking bomb waiting to miscarry. If it is going to happen I just want it over with so I can be happy about proceeding with our adoption. I heard said that suffering builds great character, well I have plenty thank you very much.

Oh well, must persevere


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I am hoping that you will be blessed with a healthy happy child. smile

Laurie~Craig's wife~Mom to 4 blessings nurtured at the breast CJ(24)Travis(21)Beka~adopted(9)Rab(6)
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Try staying off your feet as much as possible til your past your 3 month mark. Keep your feet propped up. Try to relax. You might actually carry this baby

Adoptive mommy to 4 , Last 2 adopted nursed. Youngest nursed till she was 5! Raising 2 grandbabies, as infants they were raised on donor breast milk smile
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Can you ask your doctor for progesterone suppositories? Sometimes that's enough to keep your pregnancy going. But it sounds like low molecular weight heparin may also help. Have a look at this article on our website:

And kindly discuss it with your doctor.

Best, Lenore

Lenore Goldfarb, Ph.D.,CCC,IBCLC
Wife to Rob, Mom to Adam aged 13, and Ethan aged 9, both born via GS and breastfed via Regular Newman-Goldfarb Protocol.
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I just wanted to second what Lenore suggested, ask your doctor about heparin. I have been pregnant 8 times. I have three healthy sons, but I also lost three sons at about 14-20 weeks of pregnancy. I had two other early miscarriages. I was tested for everything including genetics and everything came back normal. I tried baby aspirin and progesterone, but it was finally heparin that did the trick. My perinatologist suspects an undiagnosed autoimmune problem. Autoimmune problems can happen if both parents share similar HLA antigens and can cause both early and late miscarriages. I completely understand your despair and I wanted to let you know there is hope. I had my last son (after heparin treatment) when I was 38 years old. He is now 5 months old and I'm very grateful to Lenore because it was she who encouraged me to follow through with heparin.

I found a really good article about HLA and heparin and I'd be happy to e-mail you the link if you would like.

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Well I have made it to 8 weeks. On Monday I went to the doctor for an ultrasound and we saw a heart beat. She said everything looked good. I have not gotten to this point before. My husband is so excited. I am cautiously happy. We are to go back in 3 weeks.

I am trying not to worry. My husband said I need to have good positive thoughts for the baby. I guess these emotions are normal after repeat miscarriages. I had the hardest time going to the store to buy prenatal vitamins. I felt like I was dooming myself, just by buying vitamins. I read that if you see a heartbeat that the chances of miscarriage are 10%. Is that true for those of us with repeat miscarriages?

I will talk to my doctor about the HLA and heparin. Gretchen could you please email me that. Thanks for all the support.


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