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#9113 07/02/07 06:21 PM
Joined: Jun 2007
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Joined: Jun 2007
Posts: 74
We're so excited. Sis had her "almost" 35 week check up this afternoon. Baby Abigail's hb was 150 smile She flipped so now she is head down smile Also, she was 1 cm dialated! Woohoo! She has never dialated on her own before so we aren't sure about time frames, etc. We're just excited and happy that the c-section is off the list for now anyway!

Kimberlee Jo
wife to Jim
proud to be Abigail's mommy
kimjimbo #9118 07/03/07 12:25 AM
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Wow.. I would be excited to! Congrats on the up coming baby. Keep us posted smile

Adoptive mommy to 4 , Last 2 adopted nursed. Youngest nursed till she was 5! Raising 2 grandbabies, as infants they were raised on donor breast milk smile
Nona #9123 07/03/07 09:44 AM
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That is fantastic Kimberlee. smile

Laurie~Craig's wife~Mom to 4 blessings nurtured at the breast CJ(24)Travis(21)Beka~adopted(9)Rab(6)
Lalle #9136 07/03/07 06:58 PM
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Yeah!! smile Keep us updated! How exciting!

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